Fees and Payment

AES charges by the hour for its courses.

The hourly fee varies by the size of the group; the larger the group of students (up to a maximum of 4), the lower the hourly cost per student. I charge only for time spent in class; there is no charge for the time spent in preparing lessons, worksheets, and exams and in grading your student’s homework.

Below are the hourly charges and estimated cost per month and per class for AES courses in 2014-2015. Monthly and per-class charges assume two 1½ hour sessions per week and a total class length of 100 hours. Note that actual class length will vary according to a variety of factors, including the amount of study the student applies between sessions.

AIndividual2 students3 students4 students
Hourly fee $65.00$55.00$50.00$45.00
Approx. monthly cost $840.00$710.00$645.00$580.00
Approx. Course Cost $6,500.00$5,500.00$5,000.00$4,500.00

Additional charges: $25.00 per session for individual sessions taught in your home or site other than the AES offices. This surcharge is waived for multiple-student classes.


Payment is in advance in increments of 12 hours (roughly a month’s instruction).

Monthly Reporting

Every month you will receive an e-mailed package from AES, containing:

  • A description of what your student studied this month.
  • A commentary on your student’s progress: how he or she is doing; a description of the strengths and weaknesses exhibited over the month.
  • A statement showing the amount of money remaining on your account. When this reaches zero, I’ll send you a new invoice for a further increment.

The goal is to ensure that the parent is kept completely up to date on what the student is learning and how well that process is proceeding.

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